7 Ways to Turn Off a Windows 10 Laptop Screen | MakeUseOf

For better or for worse, we no longer live in 1999. As such, most of our monitors don't have their own power buttons anymore.

But don't worry, it is still possible to turn off your laptop screen. Perhaps more astonishingly, there are multiple ways to achieve this---seven ways, in fact. Keep reading to learn how to turn off a laptop screen.

1. Close the Lid

You can adjust your machine's power settings so that when you close the lid, only your screen is turned off and nothing else.

Head to Settings > System > Power and Sleep > Additional Power Settings. Click on Change plan settings for the plan you're using, then go to Change advanced settings > Power buttons and lid > Lid close actions.

2. Use a Script File

Grab a copy of the Turn Off Screen script file and put it on your desktop or in another easy-to-access place. Double click the file, and the screen will go off.

Download: Turn Off-Screen

3. Turn Off Monitor

Turn Off Monitor is an EXE application with one function: turning off your screen. The app is portable, so you won't need to install it on your computer.

Download: Turn Off Monitor

4. Use DisplayOff

If Turn Off Monitor didn't work for you, try DisplayOff instead. The functionality is exactly the same; even the user interface is almost identical.

Download: DisplayOff

5. Monitor Energy Saver

Monitor Energy Saver is yet another standalone program. As the name suggests, it has slightly more functionality than Turn Off Monitor and DisplayOff; it can also suspend running apps and update chat statuses to "Away."

Download: Monitor Energy Saver

6. Dark

Yes, you guessed it. Dark is another third-party app with one purpose. Just double-click the EXE file and your screen will power down.

Download: Dark

7. BlackTop

Ah, something a bit different. Instead of being a clickable EXE file, BlackTop gives you a keyboard shortcut to turn off the display. You need to press Ctrl + Alt + B.

Download: BlackTop

To learn more about the quickest ways to turn off your screen in Windows, check out the article linked below.

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